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Museum is annexed to the Kikkawa Motoharu Yakata Site (national historic site) Historical Park.
Event information (Japanese language) »
Every 3rd Sunday, visitors can experience a medieval steam bath in the Mantokuin Temple Site Historical Park and restored kitchen with operating wood stove at the Kikkawa Motoharu Yakata Site Historical Park.
9:00 am to 4:30 pm (The last admission is 4:00 pm.)
Mondays (Tuesdays when Monday falls on a national holiday), Dec. 28 ~ Jan. 4
Junior high school students and under: Free
* Fees shown in parentheses for groups comprising 10 people or more
Visitors under the following categories not subject to admission fees with identification cards or by advance application.
One-storied, barrier-free, rainforest-concrete building (770 sq. meter). Wheelchairs available.
255-1 Kaioji, Kitahiroshima-cho, Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima 731-1703
Tel/Fax: 0826-83-1785
Approx. 20 min. from Chiyoda Interchange, Chugoku Expressway or Oasa Interchange, Hamada Expressway